03 9419 6403
03 9419 6403


Red roses bouquet


Succulent terrariums


Pink fusion


Ray of sunshine bright bouquet


La Lux Expression


Native bouquet


Blush Soft bouquet


6 Red Roses bouquet


Large Pink oriental lilies bouquet


Flower Delivery for Birthday

Flowers make great birthday gifts. Whether you want to pair up flowers with a gift or organise a delivery of a flower bouquet to someone on their birthday, you can’t go wrong with flowers.

Birthday flower delivery in Melbourne

While you always have the option to send someone’s favourite flowers to them on their birthday, there are certain types of flowers that are more appropriate for the particular person celebrating their birthday.

Different flowers can have different meanings and symbolism. This makes it important to select the right flowers to express your emotions.

Top choices for birthday flowers


Red roses are for lovers. While roses make the perfect flowers for your loved one’s birthday, the colours of roses need to be kept in mind. Red roses represent eternal love, deep affection and passion, while the yellow roses represent friendship.


Lilies symbolise positivity and happiness which makes them perfect for gifting on someone’s birthday. You can send lilies to your mom, sister and even friends to wish them happiness on their birthday.


Gerberas represent innocence and cheerfulness. They can make a great choice for a friend’s birthday. You can send gerberas to women of all ages and brighten their day.


Exotic orchids represent love, beauty and strength. This makes them a great choice for your partner’s birthday when you don’t want to go with the mainstream red roses. Send a vibrant assortment of exotic orchids to your partner to celebrate their birthday.


Gladiolus expresses infatuation. This makes it a good gift for your partner or close friend. You can express the strength of your relationship and celebrate your love with a bouquet of gladiolus.

Flowers for close friend or partner’s birthday

Roses, undoubtedly, are the best flowers to gift your close friend or partner. Be it Valentine's day, her birthday or any day you want to make her feel special, you can never go wrong with roses.

Red roses symbolise deep love and affection, while pink roses represent poetic romance and sweetness.

To make it a little extra special, you can add chocolates, wine or champagne with the flowers. And don’t forget a personalised card expressing your love for them.

Flowers for boyfriend or husband’s birthday

If you’re still thinking whether you should buy flowers for your man or not, this is a sign that you should.

Men deserve to feel special and should be gifted with flowers too.

Get your man some red roses and express your love.

You can send a bouquet of wild Australian native flowers or sunflowers to a male friend.

If you’re still unsure about flowers, you can also opt for a plant or a terrarium as a safe bet.

Flowers for mum’s birthday

Mothers are the easiest to please. They will always love whatever you get them for their birthday. So, why not make her feel a little extra special with some meaningful flowers.

Choose from a range of lilies, exotic orchids or different coloured roses to gift to your mum on her birthday.

Pink oriental lilies are a good choice as they represent tenderness and gratitude.

Orchids represent love and beauty.

And of course, roses represent deep love and affection.

You can also mix these flowers and go for an arrangement or bouquet.

Flowers for friend’s birthday

When it comes to choosing flowers for a friend’s birthday, you can always go for the bright, cheerful kinds. Or simply send them their favourite flowers.

You can send a vibrant gerbera arrangement or mix different bright coloured flowers and send a bouquet or arrangement.

Other than that, you can go for yellow roses or sunflowers. Yellow roses symbolise friendship while sunflowers represent happiness.

Choose Kellee flowers for birthday flower delivery in Melbourne

Kelle flowers offers birthday flowers delivery in Melbourne. Whether you need same day delivery or midnight delivery, we are here to make your loved one’s feel special on your behalf.

Get birthday flower delivery in Melbourne with Kellee Flowers today.