03 9419 6403
03 9419 6403


6 Red Roses bouquet


Bright purple blue yellow sympathy funeral wreath


Native Australian flowers tall arrangement


Gold Charm


Magnificent Gala


Grande Elegance


Flower Delivery for Condolences

Flowers represent a lot of different emotions and feelings. One kind of flower can mean different things as well.

Flowers for condolence or sympathy need to be chosen carefully to express the exact emotion.

Condolences flower delivery in Melbourne

When you need to express your sympathy, you need to choose the right flowers. If you’re unsure of the flowers you can give for condolence, here are some ideal options.


Lilies make the ideal choice for condolence flowers. They are a traditional choice that you can give a bouquet of. You can choose white lilies as condolence flowers as they express sympathy, purity and innocence of the departed soul.


Roses are one of the most popular choices of flowers for all kinds of occasions. For condolence or funeral, you can go for a number of kinds of roses. The colours you can choose for funeral roses are:

Red roses - as they symbolise love and grief
White roses - as they symbolise innocence
Pink roses- as they symbolise gratitude


Carnations are funeral flowers mostly used in standing funeral sprays and casket sprays. There are certain colours of carnations that are appropriate for the event. These colours are:

Red carnations - as they symbolise affection and admiration
Pink carnations - as they symbolise remembrance
White carnations - as they symbolise purity and innocence.

Pink carnations are ideal for Christian funeral services as they are believed to have originated from the Virgin Mary’s tears.

Orchid Plant

Orchid is a good option when you want to give something long lasting. Orchids for condolence symbolise eternal love. While the white and pink orchids specifically express sympathy.

Daffodils and Tulips

Even though daffodils and tulips are cheerful, bright and vibrant flowers, some kinds can be given for condolence. These flowers can be given to remember the good days and keep faith and hope. It is more appropriate to send these flowers to their home rather than getting them for the funeral service.


Gladioli symbolises honesty, strength and integrity. This makes them a good choice for remembering the deceased. Gladiolus are tall flowers with long stems that can be used for standing funeral sprays. They are usually set up in the front near the coffin.

Choose Kellee flowers for Condolences flower delivery in Melbourne

You can choose any of the appropriate flowers for condolence and make arrangements or bouquets. To help you make your choice, we offer pre-arranged bouquets that you can directly choose from.

At Kellee Flowers, we work diligently to make sure that your emotions get expressed through our flowers. Our flowers are freshly packed for you and delivered at your preferred timings.

We can also help you send condolences to someone even when you’re not in the city. Just choose your flowers with us and get them delivered anywhere in Melbourne.

For last minute choices, we also offer same day delivery of condolence flowers in Melbourne.

Get fresh condolences flower delivery by Kellee Flowers in Melbourne.