03 9419 6403
03 9419 6403


Classic white flowers box


Pink and white elegance bouquet


Bright rainbow Cheerful flowers in a box


Florist choice Petite box


Bright cheerful seasonal bouquet of mixed fresh flowers


Florist choice mixed coloured Roses bouquet


Modern Victorian posy


Bright colourful flowers modern box


Red roses bouquet


Flower Delivery for Epworth Freemasons Hospital  -  use code today for free delivery "epworthfree"

One of the best ways to send good wishes to a recovering patient is through flowers. 

Before we send the flowers to the hospital, we call reception to make sure the patient is still on the ward. This simple courtesy call avoids any disappointments if the patient has been discharged early or has been relocated to another hospital location. 

The most popular choice for the Epworth Freemasons Hospital flower delivery is to send a flowers in a box arrangement. The flowers are already arranged in a container with water inside the box and hence a low convenient gift for the patient to enjoy without asking for a vase to display the bouquet of flowers.

Or if you would like to be extra considerate and special- you can also purchase a vase and the bouquet can be presented appropriately.

Kellee Flowers is located within walking distance so delivery is very easy. Our courier is professional, respectful and very careful when handling the arrangements and presenting the flowers to the appropriate staff to hand over to the patient.

Free Delivery when you Order today using code "epworthfree"