03 9419 6403
03 9419 6403


Bright cheerful seasonal bouquet of mixed fresh flowers


Bright rainbow Cheerful flowers in a box


Classic white flowers box


Earthy-toned flowers gift box


Pink and white elegance bouquet


White flowers bouquet


New baby girl gift package


New baby boy gift package


Australian natives bush flowers arrangement


Mother's Day Sunday 12th May

The best fresh most beautiful flowers for your most cherished Mother is available at Kellee Flowers.

We recommend early orders and delivery a day or so before Mother's day. Its always best the avoid the busy day - less stress means a much better experience for all.

Our flower shop will open on Sunday 12th May  9am-3pm.
We will have a limited amount of flowers for you to pick-up on your way to see your Mother.

We can also arrange deliveries if required but please order at least 2 days in advance so we can allocate the appropriate couriers to deliver flowers for you.

As always our delivery policy is to always call to arrange someone to accept the delivery at the agreed time. All our flower deliveries are hand delivered or at least the recipient is aware a package is to be expected.

We keep all other information discrete and private until the recipient receives the flowers.