Buy this elegant white and green arrangement features lilies, chrissy, roses and more among green foliage, presented in a white box. This front facing arrangement is expertly presented in...
True to its namesake, this large bouquet is an astounding sight. A bright combination of pink and whites in lilies, roses, disbuds pompom, and chrysanthemums and a lot more seasonal blooms, highlighted...
Buy this bright colourful gift with all colours of the Rainbow in a box and put a smile on anyone's face! Arranged in a round domed shape, this arrangement is the...
This bright petite compact size box of cheer, a small gesture to let someone know you're thinking of them. A perfect gift for a hospital bedside display or a cute...
Buy this massive bright flower bouquet to bring cheer to anyone's face! A prefect flower delivery anywhere in Melbourne- just imagine the look. A generous selection of fresh seasonal blooms...
If it's roses you need, then we have them! Gorgeous, firm and long lasting roses...just to impress 👌 Let us select the best quality seasonal roses with colours that will...
This Victorian style posy bouquet is a classic favourite with a modern twist. This bouquet is arranged in a tightly compact design with wild protruding foliages and filler flowers to...
Buy a living succulent garden in a glass bowl is the ideal gift. Each terrariums are packed full of long lasting and low maintenance succulents and plants. Each glass vase...
This impressive and striking bouquet in a vase is absolutely stunning and will WOW the recipients for sure! The best mixed of disdubs pompom, oriental lilies, large roses, chrysanthemums. The...
Kellee Flowers East Melbourne offers fresh flowers same day delivery service. Expert flowers design for all occasions with sincere customer service since 2000.