03 9419 6403
03 9419 6403

Get Well Soon

Australian native bush flowers bouquet


Sunflower bouquet


Native Australian flowers tall arrangement


Gold Charm


Magnificent Gala


Red Roses Magnificent!


Extravaganza VIP flowers


Grande Elegance


More than Magnificent- a collection of Exotic and Luxurious blooms


Flower Delivery for Get well soon

Recovering from an injury or illness can give you a difficult time. When someone you care about is on rest, recovering from an injury or illness, it can be a good idea to send them flowers to cheer them up.

Get Well Soon Flower Delivery in Melbourne

Choosing the right flowers to give someone to wish them get well soon can be challenging. Different flowers represent different things and you need to find the right ones to wish them a speedy recovery.

Choosing the Best Get Well Soon Flowers

You may want to cheer up your recovering friend with the biggest bouquet you may find. Generally bright & cheerful coloured flowers are a popular choice for the get well soon occasion. Some things have to be considered when buying a bouquet of get well soon flowers.

If your friend is in the hospital, it is best to go for bouquets of manageable sizes with fragrance free flowers.

You can also choose low-allergy flowers to avoid any discomfort caused to anyone in the hospital by flowers.

Choose flowers with woody stems as they require less water and can stay fresh for longer.

It is also important to first find out if there are any restrictions in the hospital for flowers.

In addition to your bouquet, you can also add a personalised card wishing them a speedy recovery and make them feel cared for.

Best options for Get Well Soon Flowers in Melbourne


Oriental lilies are a great choice if you’re looking for big blooming flowers. These are beautiful flowers sure to put a smile on your recovering friend’s face.


Roses universally symbolise love. Giving someone you care about roses when they’re recovering is a great way to tell them you love them and care for them. You can also give yellow roses to your recovering friend as they symbolise friendship.


Carnations are low allergy and long lasting flowers, making them a great choice to give someone who is at the hospital. They also represent love so you can express your love and care for the person who is recovering.


Sunflowers are the flowers of joy. They are vibrant and great to send someone hope and sunshine. They represent strength, good fortune and longevity making them a great option for get well soon flowers.


Tulips are also fragrance free and easily manageable flowers, making them a good choice for someone in the hospital. They come in a range of beautiful colours and are very pleasant to the eyes.


Gerberas are also happy and bright flowers. They symbolise cheerfulness and positivity which makes them great to give to someone who is recovering and lift their spirits.

When to Give Get Well Soon Flowers

Get well soon flowers can be given at any time when the person you care about is recovering, mostly when that person is in the condition to acknowledge it.

You can organise a delivery of get well soon flowers for short term illness, any injuries like fractures or if they are recovering from a surgery or a serious illness.

It is always a good idea to visit a friend during their recovery period with a bouquet of flowers.

Choose Kellee flowers for get well soon flower delivery in Melbourne

At Kellee Flowers, we work diligently to make your special wishes a little more special. Our flowers are freshly packed for you and delivered at your preferred timings.

We can also help you send get well soon flowers to someone you care about and make them feel special even if you’re not in the city. Just choose your flowers with us and get them delivered anywhere in Melbourne.

We also offer same day delivery of get well soon flowers in Melbourne.

Get fresh get well soon flowers delivered by Kellee Flowers in Melbourne.