03 9419 6403
03 9419 6403

New Baby

Pink fusion


Ray of sunshine bright bouquet


6 Red Roses bouquet


Native bouquet


Blush Soft bouquet


Large Pink oriental lilies bouquet


Sunflower bouquet


Native Australian flowers tall arrangement


Gold Charm


Flower Delivery for New Baby

Birth of a new baby is a celebration of joy. It is the biggest celebration for the parents.When someone you care about is welcoming a new baby, you can express your happiness with flowers.

New Baby flower delivery in Melbourne

If someone you care about has recently given birth in Melbourne, you can send them some fresh flowers with Kellee Flowers to express your joy. If you’re unsure about the kind of flowers to get for a new baby, here are some tips to help you.

Choosing new baby flowers


Flowers for new babies should not have a strong fragrance as it can cause discomfort to the baby and the mother. Go for fragrance free flowers or flowers with a mild fragrance.


Knowing the gender of the baby can be of great help when choosing new baby flowers. This can help you decide the colour of flowers you can give for the celebration. In case you want to go for neutral tones, you can choose white or off-white flowers, pastel coloured flowers, and red, yellow or orange flowers as well.

You can also choose flowers according to the birth month of the baby. There is a flower associated with each month that can be given for new baby celebrations. This can make the gift more thoughtful and gives it a touch of personalisation.

Flowers for baby girl

Pink coloured flowers are the traditional choice to give for a new baby girl. You can go for pink coloured roses, lilies, carnations and tulips. These flowers symbolise love, femininity, joy, innocence and gentleness, making them a great choice for new baby girls.

Flowers for baby boy

Blue coloured flowers are the traditional choice to give for a new baby boy. You can go for blue irises, freesias and delphiniums. Blue flowers symbolise prosperity, immortality, tranquility and peace. To make it a little extra special, you can also add balloons and a personalised card to the flowers.

Sending flowers to a new mum in Melbourne

The best time to send flowers to a new mom is after you’ve heard about the birth of the baby. You cannot always stay planned on when to send flowers as sometimes the delivery date can change. That is why, we at Kellee flowers offer same day delivery for new baby flowers. You can buy new baby flowers online with us and we’ll deliver them on the same day. You can also choose to send the flowers home after they have come home from the hospital. It will make your gift get acknowledged properly as the mom may have time to receive them herself. New baby flowers can be sent home a few days or weeks after the birth. This will put a smile on the parents’ face and your effort will be acknowledged and appreciated. Along with flowers, you can also send a personalised card and chocolates for the mother to make your gift a little more special. Send new baby flowers and gifts with Kellee Flowers.

Choose Kellee flowers for new baby flower delivery in Melbourne

At Kellee Flowers, we work diligently to make your special wishes a little more special. Our flowers are freshly packed for you and delivered at your preferred timings. Our store is located in walking distance of the Epworth Freemasons Maternity Hospital and St Vincent’s Private on Victoria Parade Fitzroy is about 1km away. We can also help you congratulate people you care about and make them feel special even if you’re not in the city for the celebration. Just choose your flowers with us and get them delivered anywhere in Melbourne.

For last minute gifting, we also offer same day delivery of new baby flowers in Melbourne. Get fresh new baby flower delivery by Kellee Flowers in Melbourne.