Buy this elegant white and green arrangement features lilies, chrissy, roses and more among green foliage, presented in a white box. This front facing arrangement is expertly presented in...
True to its namesake, this large bouquet is an astounding sight. A bright combination of pink and whites in lilies, roses, disbuds pompom, and chrysanthemums and a lot more seasonal blooms, highlighted...
Buy this bright colourful gift with all colours of the Rainbow in a box and put a smile on anyone's face! Arranged in a round domed shape, this arrangement is the...
Buy this massive bright flower bouquet to bring cheer to anyone's face! A prefect flower delivery anywhere in Melbourne- just imagine the look. A generous selection of fresh seasonal blooms...
A stunning combination of earth-toned natives with bright white disbud chrysanthemums, this arrangement is well suited to any occasion. Expertly presented in a white box with burgundy ribbon, Garnet will astound...
Vibrant white lilies, white cream coloured roses, long lasting chrissy and added seasonal flowers are displayed amongst tall green foliage in this premium arrangement. This style white arrangement is front...
A mixed arrangement of native Australian bush flowers- depending on the season banksia or pink ice proteas with a collection of filler wildflowers. This long lasting arrangement of flowers has...
Congratulate friends or loved ones on their new arrival with It's a Boy! This beautiful blue white themed gift features a soft teddy and 9' stick balloon as well as a...
The box has its own water source which can be topped up every 3-4 days and the flowers should last at least for one week. Boxed flower arrangements are easy...
Check out the price for Kellee Flowers. Offering the best quality fresh flowers arrangements which represent good value for money and are guaranteed to last.